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Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio city streets:
Orion Place
RAMP - I-270 EB EXIT 52B to US-23 SB: Circleville
Overcup Drive
RAMP - I-71 NB EXIT 104 to Route 104 (Frank Road)
Overlook Drive
RAMP - I-71 SB EXIT 104 to Route 104 (Frank Road)
Overmont Ridge Road
RAMP - I-71 SB EXIT 105 to Greenlawn Avenue
Oxford Oak Street
RAMP - OH-315 NB EXIT to Bethel Road
Oxford Street
RAMP - OH-315 NB EXIT to Cannon Drive
Oxley Rd
RAMP - OH-315 NB EXIT to I-270 EB
Padstow Drive
RAMP - OH-315 NB EXIT to Lane Avenue
Pagodatree Drive
RAMP - OH-315 NB EXIT to Riverside Methodist Hospital
Paisley Place
RAMP - OH-315 NB to Route 161 (Dublin-Granville Road)
Park Crescent Drive
RAMP - OH-315 SB EXIT to Bethel Road
Park Drive
RAMP - OH-315 SB EXIT to I-270 EB
Park Hill Drive
RAMP - OH-315 SB EXIT to I-270 WB
Park Ridge Court
RAMP - OH-315 SB EXIT to Kinnear Road
Park Ridge Drive
RAMP - OH-315 SB EXIT to Lane Avenue
Park Road
RAMP - OH-315 SB EXIT to Olentangy River Road
Park Street
RAMP - OH-315 SB to Route 161 (Dublin-Granville Road)
Parkcenter Circle
RAMP - Olentangy River Road to OH-315 NB
Parkwood Avenue
Rathmell Road
Parori Lane
Ravens Nest Court
Parsiphony Place
Ravine Ridge Drive
Parsons Avenue
Ravine View Ct.
Pathfinder Drive
Real Quiet Lane
Patrick Ave.
Red Coach Lane
Patterson Avenue
Red Fox Court
Paul Blazer Parkway
Red Fox Road
Pearl Street
Red Rock Blvd
Pegg Avenue
Redwood Valley Drive
Pegg Court
Reed Road
Pennsylvania Avenue
Reflections Drive
Penny St
Refugee Road
Perry Street
Refugee Road
Perry Street
Refugee Road
Perry Street
Regent Street
Pharlap Drive
Reis Avenue
Phillipi Road
Renick Street
Piedmont Road
Renner Road
Pierce Drive
Resler Drive
Pine Tree Lane
Reynolds Ave
Piney Creek Drive
Reynolds Crossing Drive
Piney Orchard
Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road
Pinion Place
Rich Street
Pipestone Drive
Rickenbocher Drive
Piscitelli Place
Riddler Ridge Drive
Plain Alley
Riga Alley
Plateau Street
Riggins Road
Plaza Properties Boulevard
Rightmire Boulevard
Plesenton Drive
Rippingale Street
Plum Tree Drive
River Pebble Drive
Pointer Ridge
Riverside Drive
Polaris Parkway
Riverside Drive
Polaris Parkway (State Route 750)
Riverview Drive
Pomeroy Place
Robbins Way
Ponderosa Drive
Roberson Street
Poplar Avenue
Robert Paul Pl.
Portsmouth Drive
Roberts Road
Poth Road
Robinton Way
Powder Mill Lane
Rocky Den Court
Powell Avenue
Rocky Den Road
Prescott Street
Rocky Springs Drive
Prescott Street
Rondeau Drive
Presidential Drive
Rosedale Avenue
Preston Road
Rosehill Road
Preswicke Mill
Roselawn Avenue
Price Avenue
Rossi Drive
Pristine Path
Route 315
Propreitors Rd
Rowanne Court
Pulsar Place
Rowanne Road
Punta Alley
Rowles Drive
Putney Drive
Royal Drive
Quality Place
Rudy Road
Radekin Road
Ruhl Avenue
Rafton Drive
Rushmore Drive
Ramlow Alley
Russell Street
RAMP - Cannon Drive to OH-315 SB
Rutherglen Drive